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3 Ways to Streamline Your Video Project!

Space shuttle launching.

Are you pulling your hair out trying to wrangle a video together?

Video is becoming a more and more popular form of marketing and storytelling for businesses. And no matter your industry, marketing videos are essential for engaging your audience and driving business results.

However, creating a video can be a big project! Hopefully with the right video team, it’s made easy on your end. Organization and planning is needed for any video, but especially for higher production videos. If you’re looking to make a video with a lot of moving parts, here are 3 tips to streamline your process!

If finding talent is the problem…

Can’t find someone to be in front of the camera? Instead of sending out a mass email to all of your employees, think about who would work well for this video, and send them an email directly. A personal request can be more effective! 

If you’re planning a video in the near future, bring up the idea in advance instead of springing it on someone. Being on camera can be uncomfortable for some people, but if they have time to prepare and come around to the idea, they may be more likely to participate! 

Using actors is also an option, depending on the type of video you are making. If you want to use actors, be sure to factor this into your budget! 

If scheduling is the problem…

Everyone is busy and scheduling can be hard. In fact, it’s one of our most common challenges in the post-production process. If you request to film with someone well in advance, they’ll be more likely to accommodate your request than if you ask the week before. 

Pick a date a month or two out and put it on the calendar. A good tip is to work backwards from the day you need the final video. Squeezing in last-minute shoots close to the deadline might increase your costs if your video team needs to work overtime to edit the final product. 

Depending on the vision for the final product, remote shooting might be a way to combat tight schedules. With remote shooting, we can ship a video kit to each person and we can usually find a more convenient time to shoot instead of needing to schedule everyone on the same day that a video crew is at your location.

Remote shooting also allows for someone to be in the office or their home. The option for privacy might help reduce nerves and make participants feel more comfortable. On every remote shoot, you have our team members to direct and guide you through the process. It’s easy, sustainable, and more affordable! 

If feedback is the problem…

Let’s say your video team sends you an edit to review. You forward it to 20 people and get 20 different responses. How can this be prevented?

If possible, before the project begins, determine a person who will have the final say on the video and let your video team know who that is! This person can make feedback on their own, or they can forward the review edit on to other people for feedback. In the latter case, they can be the tie breaker when one person likes the music and someone else doesn’t. 

It’s great when the whole team is excited about the video, but sometimes if there are too many voices and opinions it’s impossible to satisfy all of them. When your video team has clear instructions on who gets final say, it can clear up any miscommunication and reduce the need for multiple edits so you get your videos faster!

A video project is extensive. But with some up-front planning and decision making, you can set yourself up for the successful completion of your project!

At Riveo Creative we believe in teamwork with our clients. We want to help you have the best experience you can. Contact us for a discovery call!

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